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9 Bars Coffee Review


9 bars coffee is a café-style restaurant known for its delicious gelatos and pastries on St. Clair Avenue East. They have been around the community for five years, but now with new owners, they are making a complete change to offer full dine-service showcasing Venezuelan and South American cultural cuisine. Bringing an entirely new designed menu that is healthy, organic, and locally sourced.

Cheesy Cassava Deep Fried Balls

A quick starter is the Cheesy Cassava Deep Fried Balls (7), a 3-piece dish that is made to get your stomach rumbling as the doughy outer shell creases with the lightest of touches, revealing a gooey and cheesy centre that captures your taste buds in a whirlwind of fried goodness. We also recommend their homemade baked empanadas which you can order with chicken, beef, 3 cheeses, ham & cheese, vegan or Mushroom & cheese.

Chocolate Filet Mignon

This is a dish you probably have never heard about before as we set our eyes on the Chocolate Filet Mignon (18). Yes, you read that right, it is a two-piece filet mignon, sitting on a bed of greens, cooked medium-rare, and topped with a chocolate sauce reduction that is neither thick nor watery as it serenades the steak in a gravy-like fashion. The steak cut with ease and was incredibly juicy making it probably the most tender $18 dollar steak we have ever had! As for the chocolate sauce it was not the chocolate drizzle you might be used to but rather had the flavour of a genuine steak sauce, thick, unnerving, adding a bit of  depth to the dish but not taking anything away from the steak.

Tropical Chicken

Then we got the Tropical chicken(17) a dish geared towards healthy eaters as you get a nice grill-marked piece of chicken topped with melted Spanish cheese, sliced avocados, and crumbling pieces of feta with thinly sliced pan-fried carrots and zucchini. A deliciously vibrant meal perfect to showcase on your Instagram, or just to enjoy as the soothing flavours of the avocado complement the juicy and smoky taste of the chicken.


Although 9 Bars Coffee is known for their incredible gelato flavours, we wouldn’t rule out also getting the tiramisu as it was mushy, caffeinated, and overall delicious.


April 3, 2023
9 Bars Coffee Review

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