The Chicken Cartel



  • Build Their Social Media Profiles
  • Raise awareness through SMM & PR.
  • Increase Business Opportunities
  • Increase Sales


  • Created Awareness on Multiple Platforms
  • Social Media Platforms Growth
  • Create News Partnerships
  • Google SEM increased by 50k
  • Sales Increased

The Chicken Cartel

The Chicken Cartel is the brainchild of Chef Donovan, a fried chicken experience with tastes and flavours from different cultures worldwide. They are currently located in Oakville.

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As a brand-new restaurant and food truck, The Smoke Stop BBQ needed direction toward its marketing strategy to build itself as a brand and create a digital footprint. Owner John Poulis struggled with marketing and bringing in customers and was looking for someone to restrategize his brand. " We had some customers here and there, but we didn't have no branding or presence; we didn't even have a website," he said. He knew that social media & PR would help increase his sales and catering opportunities. When Schmooze PR presented itself as an all-in-one marketing agency, John jumped at the chance to build a digital brand with them.


First, we had to create a digital brand identity for The Chicken Cartel before using multiple strategies to raise awareness about the restaurant. Our team worked with Chef Donnie on the menu, brand creatives, and the website. From there, numerous photography shoots, taste tests, and graphic design concepts were created for professional and engaging content. When building the profile, Google, several delivery applications, Yelp, and Trip Advisor were utilized with SEM tactics. The Chicken Cartel was ready for a PR statement across all media platforms to raise awareness. Coupled with this, an influencer campaign was created over the next few weeks to continue raising awareness. Sales went up by 350% in the span of 3 weeks.

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Instagram Grew to 2k Followers in 2 Months
We created a multiple brand awareness strategy through influencer marketing, PR photography, and videography to build The Chicken Cartel's social media presence through style and professionalism.

Google Searches & Action increased by 50K
In 3 months Google searches and Actions raised by an average of 50k people performing 400% higher than before.

Multiple PR Articles on Major Media Outlets
We released a PR statement ot all major media outlets that got The Chicken Cartel a lot of traction, awareness and brand opportunities. Places like Taste Toronto, Blogto, Narcity, Daily Hive, Toronto Star.

Created Partnerships with Cheese Boutique & New Location.

  • Through the multiple brand awareness strategies, other ghost kitchen owners reached out, moving to the more lucrative Mississauaga location.
  • The famous Cheese Boutique reached out to do multiple popups at their location.
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“Leo taught us much about social media, photography, and brand creation. When we started, we had a few hundred followers and no presence on social media or Google. Because of the opportunities presented to us by the PR and marketing that Schmooze PR did, we quickly got out of our Vaughan location to the more lucrative Mississauga location. This led us to our current Oakville location, where we currently are with a 4.9 Google rating and over 2k followers on Instagram. However, Leo did much more than marketing; he consulted on our menu, flavours, and financials.”


Owner & Operator of The Chicken Cartel

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